Robcon Realty
Jeffrey Hawkins, Robcon RealtyPhone: (760) 822-5384
Email: [email protected]

How to Find a Dentist in Your New City

by Jeffrey Hawkins 08/25/2019

Moving brings a load of changes in your life. There's the picking and packing and planning. Then you have the actual move with the unpacking and organizing and decision-making—where to put this, how to store that. If you have children, there's finding the new school and getting them enrolled. You have to learn a new job, a new commute, making new friends. The last thing on your mind is finding a new dentist. That is until you look on the mirror and realize your teeth haven't had a cleaning for a while, or you notice something more severe like a crack in your tooth.

Now, the need to find a new dentist is urgent. So, where do you go?

Even if you have insurance, there may be dozens, if not hundreds of choices. You’ve only ever been to one dental office in your whole life. Where do you start to look? Your last dental group may be part of a regional or national chain with outlets in several cities. If you choose to go to a dentist in the same chain, chances are your records are easily transferable between offices and the pricing should be similar. If you have dental insurance at your new job, ask co-workers for recommendations. But ask more than just one. Your dental needs may be completely different from theirs so try to get as many recommendations as possible. 

When you have particular concerns such as allergies to dental medications or extra sensitive teeth, you'll want to look for a dentist that advertises as "gentle," or if you have a specific type of crown, you'll wish for someone knowledgeable about it. Online listings typically allow searching by specialty so that you can narrow down your choices that way. On the other hand, small, private practices may be more invested in the local neighborhood, so if that appeals to you, visit all the dental offices nearby your home to see if they support local ball teams or otherwise display signs of community involvement. 

Finally, you can ask your neighbors, church or civic organization acquaintances or the parents of your children's classmates if they recommend someone. And, if the same name comes up more than once, you can compare each person's experience to help you decide. And don't forget to view their websites. Watching a video of your potential dentist can smooth the way for the first time meeting allowing a more relaxed experience since you know who to expect. 

Your real estate agent might be an excellent resource for a recommendation, so don’t be afraid to ask.

About the Author

Jeffrey Hawkins

 Robcon Realty is a family-run real estate company located in Vista, CA. Bob Peterson has been a broker for nearly 40 years, and founded Robcon Realty with his wife, Connie Peterson. Their daughter, Robin Hawkins, followed in their footsteps and has been practicing real estate for over 18 years. Over the past few years, four of Bob and Connie’s grandchildren have become real estate agents themselves to continue the proven track record of excellence and joy our family business has provided in finding the perfect home for you.